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Winning at Life: A Guide to Life worth Living

Winning at Life is a guide through the three most profound concepts in life: Meaning, Happiness, and Hate.

It is a transformative journey through discovering your meaning in life, creating lasting happiness, and removing the hates that hold you back.

By the end of the text, the reader understands how to overcome the greatest obstacles life has to offer, and how to manifest a life truly worth living.

Transform your life or the life of someone you love with Winning at Life—the groundbreaking guide through creating a life of purpose, filled with happiness, and absent of the burden of hate—from Dylan J Rogers, Master Resilience Trainer, systems engineer, and inspirational speaker. 

What if there were a way to discover your life’s purpose? What if you had all of the tools, strategies, and insight you need to create a happy and fulfilling life? What if you gained a deep understanding of why people hate, so you could prevent self-hate and help in removing it from the people around you?

In a world where it is increasingly challenging to find meaning in our lives, to create the happiness we desperately seek, and to understand why hate is running so rampant, it can be difficult to know where to turn for actionable advice on how to create an incredible life.

In this book, Dylan J Rogers, merging his experiences as a professional engineer and a Master Resilience Trainer, brings you the solutions to the greatest questions in life. What is the meaning of life? How am I meaningful? How can I create a happy life? Why do people hate? He takes these answers, and in this epic journey guides you through creating a life truly worth living.

This book is the result of Rogers going on his own life-changing journey. From overcoming grand life challenges, to succeeding in the extremely competitive field of engineering, to teaching others how to not just survive in life but to thrive in life, Dylan takes his over 15 year journey of personal growth and expertise to give you all the tools you need to secure the two winning conditions of life, and win at this glorious game of life.

Winning at Life will show you how you can wake up every day with a motivating purpose, with the serenity of happiness, and absent of the draining weight of hate. This is a book for everyone, from peak performance entrepreneurs, to the average person who wants to wants more out of life, to those who seek to teach others how to live greater lives. Winning at Life provides the answers that can transform your life, or that of someone you love.


Order NOW and  receive a Winning at Life Transformation Guide from Dylan’s personal coaching collection! Just email Dylan at dylanjrogers@dylan-rogers.com with your proof of purchase to get the transformational workbook!

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